Builder ID does not recognize I have a Skillbuilder Individual subscription


Hi, I've had a Skillbuilder Individual subscription since last year and have had no problems until I was forced to create a Builder ID to log in. I did so for the root user email for the account, and when I log in with the Builder ID, it does not recognize that I have this Skillbuilder Individual subscription. I now have no way to access this subscription. After looking at the problems people are having with Skillbuilder and Builder ID, I don't feel confident I could successfully cancel the subscription by closing the associated account, either. Can someone please help me with a way to access this subscription?

I have also submitted this request to the Training email address.


1 Answer


Is it possible that you are signing in with the wrong Builder ID?
For example, why not sign in to Skillbuilder with that Builder ID and check the activity etc.

If you have used it before, you will be able to check the course history etc. as shown below.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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