ElasticBeanstalk environment


Currently we're using ElasticBeanstalk to deploy our Django apps (already 5 years old). Some of the packages are already outdated. Is there a way to "copy" the EC2 instance where the app is running? Can the EC2 instance be turn to an image and run as virtual machine? Or can it be copy with docker? Basically I want a copy of the production environment created by ElasticBeanstalk in my own machine.

asked 2 months ago164 views
1 Answer


You can copy by creating an EC2 AMI and starting EC2 from that AMI.
If you want to create an AMI, you can do so by following the steps in the document below.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Sorry for the confusion what I mean, is a copy of the production environment, which is in EC2, that I can run in my local machine.

  • understood. In that case, you can perform VM export to export the EC2 OS image to S3, copy it to on-premises, and run it on VMware etc. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmexport_image.html

  • Currently I am using Macbook with M2 chip, what would be the best app to be able to use the exported EC2 image?

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