t3a.nano - How to find list of available AMI Ids?


I'm lost again in documentation.

I'm creating one my firsts templates in Cloud fornation.

To experiment, and keep lower costs as possible, I choose t3a.nano as instance type

Now, I need an ImageId: where is the imageId list !? Better, how to find in the documentation?

asked a month ago112 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


The t3a series instance type is an AMD-based CPU architecture, so if you follow the steps in the document below and search using "Architecture=x86_64" and "Owner alias=amazon" as search conditions, you should be able to find one that can be used.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thanks! This filterable table was exactly what I was looking for and also, thanks to showed me some filters. Actually, nothing is obvious in AWS


t3a.nano supports only x86 architecture in general different AMIs exist for different architectures (not instance types)

You can open the EC2 console in web UI and see available AMIs (they are different in other regions) Enter image description here

Enter image description here

or you can use Labmda as a custom CloudFormation resource to dynamically lookup for AMI https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/walkthrough-custom-resources-lambda-lookup-amiids.html

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answered a month ago

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