how to connect to the command line of mysql


I have set up a new instance in Lightsail with Debian 11 LAMP stack,

  1. Connected PhpMyAdmin through a tunnelled PuTTY and uploaded my data which looks good.
  2. Connected with FIleZilla and uploaded some php which works, and need to connect to the MySql with command line.

I have used mysql -u bitnami -p with password in the PuTTY command line and get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bitnami'@'localhost' (using password: YES).
I have tried all the passwords I have used with this and am getting nowhere, not sure what i am missing. Can anyone help please?

  • Sorry to waste time, found the solution, log in with root and bitnami password!

asked a year ago456 views
1 Answer

You need to provide a hostname in that command.

mysql --host ${HOST} --user test_dba --port 3306 -p
answered a year ago

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