security group rule with multiple IPs



I am using an EC2 instance to run a node-red server. An Aedes broker for Node red runs on port 1883, which is used with MQTT to connect arduinos to the internet. I need to create a new security group rule with port 1883. However the issue is with the IP. For security reasons I don't want to have the access as Anywhere (ie. because then it can get hacked. I also can't use ONE custom IP because there will be multiple arduinos with different IPs that need to connect through that port to connect to the broker and only one arduino would be able to connect in that case.

If anyone has any solution please let me know! G.

asked 4 months ago232 views
2 Answers

You can have multple rules (or even multiple security groups if necessary) for the same port with different source IP. Would that solve your problem?

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Are the hosts hosts are dynamically provisioned, through autoscaling or similar? In the User Data of the Launch Template associated with the autoscaling group, the newly-created instance can add its IP to the security group.

It may be smarter to configure a lifecycle hook that invokes a lamdba function to add the IP to the rule when an instance is provisioned, and can also remove the IP from the rule when an instance is terminated

There is a soft limit on the number of rules in a security group, this can be increased

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answered 4 months ago

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