Cannot remove the management account


I suspended the member accounts (and there is 'suspended' next to their names) and expect the possibility of suspending the management account to become available. However, I see the error instead:

You attempted to close the management account. To close the management account for the organization, you must first either remove or close all member accounts in the organization. Follow standard account closure process using root credentials.

Why could it not be possible to close the management account?

asked 4 months ago242 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Following the steps described in to close the management account specifically, the closure procedure succeeded

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

You should remove the Organization first which makes the management a standalone account before you can close it. However, to remove the Organization, all member accounts must be closed first. The member account is technically still under the Organization and it will be permanently removed after 90 days. If you can't wait 90 days, I would suggest you reopen the member account, then remove it from Organization. That'll make sure no member accounts exist in the Organization. You can then remove Organization and close the management account. Here are the documentations you can use as references:

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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