Unable to Add CloudFront Resources Despite Account Verification


I am encountering an issue with adding new CloudFront resources to my AWS account. Despite verifying my account, I am still receiving the following error message: "Your account must be verified before you can add new CloudFront resources."

I have already followed the verification process as instructed, yet the problem persists. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? It seems to be hindering my ability to utilize CloudFront effectively for my project.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

asked 2 months ago102 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Have you already checked the below inquiry[1]?
It has over 16,000 views, so it seems like there were similar inquiries.
Please check the answers, try it.

[1] Your account must be verified before you can add new CloudFront resources

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

If your account is indeed verified, the next step is to contact AWS Support. You can create a support case and explain your situation. They might be able to provide more insight into why this issue is occurring and help you resolve it.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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