Emails are delayed after leaving SES in our application of our dev env


We are sending invite links for the registration purpose to the users who are trying to sign up our application. So we are using SES from our backend application part which is hosted in ECS. While using AWS cli command to send mail using SES we recieve mail at fadter rate. But with our backend application in the development environment, configured with SES we recieve email with few minutes delay (~5min).

Also for your kind information, We have used the same business logic which we used for other project that uses SES and recieving mail at faster rate. From our end everything looks fine. Since it's an priority for our development, request you to help us with the situation.
2 Answers

Could be worth to consider the following guide when it comes to performance:

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answered a year ago

Based on your explanation, it seems that when you use the AWS CLI to send emails via SES, it's getting delivered as expected. However, when triggering emails from your backend application in the development environment, there is a delay of approximately 5 minutes.

In this case, the issue appears to be related to the sending server or application. To troubleshoot the delay, you can try to follow these steps:

Check SES Message IDs: For each successfully enqueued message, SES returns a unique message ID. Make sure you are logging these message IDs on your side. This will help you track whether SES has accepted your messages.

Compare Timestamps: Compare the timestamp when your application logs the message ID with the timestamp when the call to SES was made. If there is a significant time difference, it indicates that something happened between your application sending the email and SES acknowledging its receipt.

Investigate Custom Software: If you have any custom software between your application and SES, it's important to examine the software's logs for any evidence of delays. Some software may buffer or introduce delays in message delivery.

By examining the logs of any intermediary software and comparing timestamps, you can identify where the delay might be occurring. It's possible that the delay is introduced by the custom software in your backend environment.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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