How do I provide multiple string values to MatchAnyPrefix when creating S3 Batch Operation job?


I'm using the the AWS CLI (v2.15.37) with command aws s3control create-job and the following argument:

--manifest-generator '{
  "S3JobManifestGenerator": {
    "SourceBucket": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket1",
    "EnableManifestOutput": true,
    "ManifestOutputLocation": {
      "Bucket": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket2",
      "ManifestPrefix": "manifests",
      "ManifestFormat": "S3InventoryReport_CSV_20211130"
    "Filter": {
      "ObjectSizeGreaterThanBytes": 131072,
      "KeyNameConstraint": {
        "MatchAnyPrefix": [
      "MatchAnyStorageClass": [

This only works if I remove prefix2 and prefix3 from the MatchAnyPrefix parameter but the documentation (see screenshot) led me to believe that I could have 1024 prefixes. How do I provide multiple string values to MatchAnyPrefix when creating S3 Batch Operation job?

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asked 2 months ago300 views
1 Answer

Hi There

As of right now, only one prefix is supported. The max length of 1024 refers to the length of the prefix string. The suggested workaround would be to create a separate job for each prefix.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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