Unable to perform Exam AWS Certifification Exam due to licence face was not visible


Hi,Amazon Team

While giving the exam today morning at 9:30 AM IST of AWS Cerification of aws solution architecture . I was giving the exam from Pearson Vue. I used my driving license as my identification proof on which not visible to as they want.

The details of the Exam which I was proceeding today morning.

Exam: SAA-C03 - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate - English (ENU)

Candidate: Ujash Patel Candidate ID: ‎AWS00953919‎ Registration ID: 470976906

Date: ‎Monday, February 26, 2024‎ Time: ‎09:30 AM India Standard Time‎‎ Appointment Length: ‎140‎ Minutes‎ Email-id: U7874463335@gmail.com ( I register exam through this mail ID only everytime)

I also mailed many time to AWS Support to assist but no response , so I was not able to perform exam.

I have CaseID which Pearson Procter created CASEID-10982892.

I request you to re-schedule the exam or initiate a refund so that I could proceed furthur.

Kindly assist me. AND please tell me if some certificate required from last certifications.

Thanks & Regards, Ujash Patel

1 Answer

Hi Ujash,

Please remove your personal information for the question.

Next, please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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