How to evaluate alarm's evaluation range?


I have set an alarm that treats missing data as breaching. I expect the alarm to go off when DatapointsToAlarm are missing during the time calculated as Period * EvaluationPeriods elapses. However, this does not happen.

According to the docs and this post, the time when the alarm is triggered when datapoints are missing is decided by the evaluation range

Whenever an alarm evaluates whether to change state, CloudWatch attempts to retrieve a higher number of data points than the number specified as Evaluation Periods. The exact number of data points it attempts to retrieve depends on the length of the alarm period and whether it is based on a metric with standard resolution or high resolution. The time frame of the data points that it attempts to retrieve is the evaluation range.

However, it is not mentioned how the evaluation range it calculated. Is there a way to control when exactly the alarm should be triggered if datapoints are missing, i.e., is there a certain way to predict the evaluation range?

Thank you in advance!

asked a year ago431 views
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