Unable to Modify an EC2 Launch Template


Modifying an existing default launch template from AWS Console (us-east-1 region). Clicking on 'Create template version' does nothing. There is no error displayed. There is no launch template created (even when nothing has been modified).

Sometimes see this warning logged to browser's dev console:

startup-script.js:81 The specified value "undefined" cannot be parsed, or is out of range.

What could be the cause?

Suspect some recent AWS update has resulted in this as was working fine earlier.


asked 2 years ago624 views
1 Answer

Hi. If you've completed the procedure to create a new launch template version but you're not seeing the new version, you might be viewing the default version.

You can use these instructions to view the new version: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#describe-launch-template-version

I hope this helps!

Kind regards, Marilyn

answered 2 years ago

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