Does EventBridge support CMK KMS keys for encryption at rest?


Looking at and in console, I am leaning towards thinking that EventBridge does support only AWS Owned keys when encrypting data at rest, rather than customer-managed ones.

Is it so?

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

The way it reads to me, they do not support cmk as per your conclusion.

It seems eventbridge behaves similarly to other AWS services that do not have the ability to use a cmk from KMS.

One other example of this would be S3 audit logs which have to be delivered to an S3 bucket only encrypted with a AWS managed key and not cmk.

I believe there’s no way either for EB to assume a service linked role within your account either.

If you find this to be inaccurate, please let me know. I’d sure be interested.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Event bridge doesn't support KMS CMK for data encryption at rest.

I'd imagine, if there is any requirement of having KMS CMK for data encryption at rest and if event bridge scheduler can fit in your requirement, then you can consider event bridge scheduler, which support KMS CMK(symmetric key encryption). Look at Data Encryption in Eventbridge Scheduler.

Comment here, if you have any additional questions.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

EventBridge recently announced support for CMK for encrypting custom and partner events. You can find the announcement here: and link to documentation here:

answered 20 days ago

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