AWS GreenGrass Components - run on device start up



I have an IoT device which is shutdown overnight due to customer requirements, and is restarted in the morning.

Currently the service used to operate the device is started using a systemd service, this works, but is not the solution we are after.

I am looking at using Greengrass components to deploy the service to the device, and monitor the service (Long lived service which needs to always be running/restart if failed), but I am struggling to find any resources on how/if components run on start up? I know the greengrass.service is run on start up, so I am wondering if i need to set anything in the component recipe? The device also may not have internet access on start up, i.e. it must start the service without an internet connection.

Thanks heaps, Matt

asked 4 months ago231 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Thanks for your interest in Greengrass. Have you tried this out? Greengrass always starts all components when Greengrass itself is started (which will happen when the device boots unless you do something to change that). There are no configuration options for this; components will always be started immediately.



answered 4 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thank you for the prompt response, looks like i will go ahead and try some example components on an ec2 instance, thanks again.

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