How to hide my domain Registrant Information in Route53



I am granting access to Route53 thru IAM. I would like to keep granting this access but I don't want anyone to see the domain registrant contact information. I know how to allow or deny permissions or policies. However, I don't know which specific json code would hide this access to the domain registrant contact information. Can anyone help?

Thank you!

1 Answer

You can use domain privacy protection to hide details from the public. Route 53 allows you to enable or disable privacy protection for domain contact information. When privacy protection is enabled, your contact information is replaced either with contact information for the privacy protection service or with the phrase "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY." However, this setting affects the visibility of your information in WHOIS queries and does not control access within your AWS account.

If this has resolved your issue or was helpful, accepting the answer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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answered 5 months ago
  • Hi Mina, Privacy Protection is checked but still can see the contact information.

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