Why Secrets manger does not take into account tags I've added to my secrects?


Hi there

on AWS for all my 38 secrets (https://monosnap.com/file/9V8mdpsNw9atLT2FOpjYm1bTjpuIBS) I've added 3 tags Env, Role, State - https://monosnap.com/file/c5ug8RoQkCYRBCHTfAqsm69nYrv0bv

But on Cost Explorer, I see this - https://monosnap.com/file/ZytVllIFe0L4Rarglv16FRBQJpDMLd

I've already checked 2 times and I'm sure all of my secrets have 3 tags so I'm wondering why it's not grouping usage correctly by one of my tags (Env)

The goal I want to achieve is to have 100% of the services/resources I'm using and need to pay for being tagged and properly displayed on the Cost Explorer page.

Please advise.

1 Answer


Please ensure that your tag Env is activated, as it is one of the user-defined cost allocation tags that require activation. You can find detailed instructions for this process in the AWS Documentation: Activating User-Defined Cost Allocation Tags.

Note: It can then take up to 24 hours for tag keys to activate.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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