Cloudwatch issue - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cwlogs'


Hello, I'm facing some complicated and un-thinking issue with Cloudwatch,I believe Cloudwatch are easy to use and install because i used to install it at others EC2 instance before.

Unfortunately,but it doesn't happen this time.Might need your guys help for this issue.

The issue is: -Cloudwatch unable to get the metric information from my EC2.

Troubleshooting i do as per below:

  1. Check config file: /etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf point to correct server - MyServer1 & /etc/awslogs/awscli.conf point to correct region = ap-southeast-1

2)Following the step to re-install cloudwatch: Stuck at because there's an error at the log. "To install and configure CloudWatch Logs on an existing Amazon Linux instance" section, (Optional) Check the /var/log/awslogs.log file for errors logged when starting the service.

The error as per below - /var/log/awslog.log: File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/awscli/", line 58, in _import_plugins plugins.append(import(path)) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cwlogs'

What i do is install =
pip install awscli-cwlogs

But the issue still persist.Any steps that i missing?Please advice.

4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I notice the error happen because of python are unable to communicate with aws api. What i do to settle this issue is:

1)Python version conflict - got 2 version at server which is 3.7 & 2.7 -AWS API so far not support python 3 -Solution: Remove python "yum remove python3" . 2)Re-install cloudwatch agent services at server "sudo yum install -y awslogs" . 3)Reconfigure cloudwatch config files steps

Issue solved...thanks everyone...

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hi, sounds like the module is still missing. Did you try running the above command with a sudo (not sure if you need the sudo or not, might depend on how you access your EC2)? sudo pip install awscli-cwlogs

What does that command says?

if the command succeeds, did you also try running pip install --upgrade awscli-cwlogs (again, not sure whether you need sudo or not)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi mate.. Thanks for your reply...Just to inform u that I'm in root account,but i will run the command as per suggest and give you the results... Thanks again for the reply..


Hello... I run the command as per suggested.This is the output: . sudo pip install awscli-cwlogs Enter image description here

Another one Enter image description here

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answered a year ago

I'm sorry I don't know what's causing your issue, I hope someone else jumps in with another suggestion

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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