How to add a total monthly spend limit in 2023?


We want to set a hard total monthly spend limit in AWS. So if we go over this limit the account won't be charged anymore.

This looks like it used to be in Cost Management Console > Billing and Cost Management > Billing preferences.

"From there, you can set your total monthly spend limit by entering the amount you’re comfortable spending in the “Monthly spend limit” field"

I and the account owner are unable to find this option. Where is it?

asked 10 months ago4196 views
2 Answers

The blog which you are referring is for another cloud provider not for AWS.

In AWS, You can use AWS Budgets which lets you set custom budgets that alert you when you exceed (or are forecasted to exceed) the thresholds that you set. In this blog [+], they have covered how you can use AWS Budgets to set a custom cost budget that tracks your costs at the monthly level, configure alerts that will notify you when your user-defined spend thresholds are reached, and show you how you can use AWS Budgets to monitor your overarching budget portfolio.


answered 10 months ago
  • Thanks so much for your answer. You are mistaken the article is about 'Amazon AWS Billing Limits' (it's in the title) and the instructions do match up with AWS console, apart from the last step. I don't know how accurate it is, but I am sure it's not about another cloud provider.

    I know about budgets, but I want the functionality of an AWS Billing Spend Limit. Budgets will simply notify me of an issue and I we may not be in a position to action the issue. We want to stop someone from using $100,000 of services in 1-hour.


If you are already using Budgets you can add an action to the budget. This will allow you to place an IAM Policy/SCP/Automate Instance Stop on the account for specific resources. Be cautious and test specially if using in a production environment as this could prevent additional resources from being created and may impact auto-scalling. Take a look at the following link on configuring Budget Actions.

Budget Actions

answered 10 months ago

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