How to keep developing a web application on EC2 pushed from VS Code to Dockerhub and then Dockerhub to EC2


The web application created on VS Code (via CS50x on Edx). Pushed to Dockerhub and then from Dockerhub to EC2.

It will help to know recommended ways to keep updating the application. I do not think updating source codes on VSCode, then once again pushing to Dockerhub, and then Dockerhub to EC2 the best way.

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asked a month ago68 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


CI CD Approch for your requirement:

  • Create CI CD pipeline,
  • Source is Bitbucket/Github
  • Build Codebuild to build the image and push to ECR or DockerHub
  • Codedeploy to update the ECS service

Here are the references can help you,

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • So you are suggesting to try ECS instead of EC2?

  • Correct ECS is the best to manage , as you don’t need to pay anything to ECS, You pay only for EC2

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