RDS connected resource to EC2 is deleted automatically after few days


I have RDS db that I connect to EC2 instance so that the EC2 instance will can connect to this DB. The problem is that after few days the connection is deleted automatically and I need to re-create it again and again. What can be the reason of this behavior?

2 Answers


What exactly happens when a connection disappears?
Does this mean that the security group settings are automatically changed?
Or does that mean RDS will disappear?

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answered 7 months ago
  • thank you for your reply.
    Are you following the conditions listed in this document? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/ec2-rds-connect.html#ec2-rds-connect-viewing

    • The name of the security group associated with the compute resource matches the pattern ec2-rds-n (where n is a number).
    • The security group associated with the compute resource has an outbound rule with the port range set to the port that the RDS database uses.
    • The security group associated with the compute resource has an outbound rule with the source set to a security group associated with the RDS database.
    • The name of the security group associated with the RDS database matches the pattern rds-ec2-n (where n is a number).
    • The security group associated with the RDS database has an inbound rule with the port range set to the port that the RDS database uses.
    • The security group associated with the RDS database has an inbound rule with the source set to a security group associated with the compute resource.

Enter image description here When I enter again to AWS console, I see the RDS db but in "Connected compute resources" section there is not any item, the connected EC2 that I added to is disapear.

answered 7 months ago

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