Data replication status - Authenticate with service error


I finished setting up a DRS for one of our server running Windows OS. The status of data replication is showing an error - Authenticate with service error. This error indicates communication issue between the replication server and the DRS endpoint on TCP Port 443. I am not sure how to solve the issue. I looked that source server instance security group, for inbound data the port 443 is open. Am I missing anything else? Please provide your steps to solve the issue. Source instance security group setup has Inbound TCP 443 and outbound All rules

asked 9 months ago554 views
2 Answers

Thanks for sharing your issue.

This are the network requirements to set-up AWS DRS:

The replication servers launched by AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery in your staging area subnet need to be able to send data over TCP port 443 to the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery API endpoint at https://drs.{region} Replace “{region}” with the AWS Region code you are replicating to, for example “us-east-1” .

The source servers on which the AWS Replication Agent is installed need be able to send data over TCP port 1500 to the Replication Servers in the staging area subnet. They also need to be able to send data to AWS DRS's API endpoint at https://drs.{region} Replace “{region}” with the AWS Region code you are replicating to, for example “us-east-1” .

You can also refer to the Replication Network Requirements section of the official documentation to trouble shoot the error.

You can also refer to the Troubleshooting section of the official documentation where you can find:

  • Troubleshooting Failback Errors
  • Troubleshooting Communication Errors
  • Troubleshooting Agent Issues
  • Common replication errors
  • Other toubleshooting topics

Hope this helps.

David C
answered 9 months ago

I guessed you're doing replication through the Private Connectivity ; Hence you must open 1500 and 443 port on Source Environment and edit the SG of replication Server with 1500 and 443 port opened . Also, setup AWS DRS Endpoint, AWS S3 Interface and Gateway Endpoint and AWS Ec2 Endpoint. And configure the Public and Private Subnet properly.

answered 9 months ago

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