


I created two different VPCs. In the right VPC, I created both a public and a private subnet. In the left VPC, I created only a private subnet. In each private subnet, I created a Linux machine. On the right side, a NAT is defined that allows egress from the private subnet to the public one. In addition, on the right side, an Internet-Gateway is also configured to enable access to the Internet. In order to connect the two VPCs, I created a Transit-Gateway. The problem - from the computer in the right VPC I manage to access the Internet (and of course also to the computer in the left VPC). But from the computer in the left VPC, I can only access the computer in the right VPC, but not go online.


  • I connect to the environments using the AWS-Client-VPN I created.
  • I associated the subnets with the respective routing tables.
  • I checked all the routings several times.
  • I am an AWS associate certified and have extensive knowledge in communication.

I would appreciate your assistance

asked a year ago354 views
3 Answers

Is it correct to say that the image is like the following document?

Is the subnet where you are setting up the Transit Gateway attachment a private subnet (In the right VPC)?
Since the route to the NAT Gateway exists on a private subnet, I thought that the subnet where the Transit Gateway attachment is set up must be a private subnet to be able to route it.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
Accepted Answer

In addition to the other suggestions, make sure that the public subnet on the right has a route to the TGW for traffic going to connected VPCs.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • Thanks! This was the problem. the attachment transit gateway on the right didn't configure with a route to the public subnet, just the private subnet was selected.


Ensure you have a default route in the left subnet/VPC to route to the TGW that’s attached in the private subnet on the right.

In the private the subnet in the right, make sure you have a route back to the subnet on the left.

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answered a year ago

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