How many requests can AWS Organizations handle concurrently?


We are attempting to optimize calls between organizational units and their accounts to retrieve information in parallel. However, at a certain point, we encounter the error "AWS Organizations can't complete your request because another request is already in progress. Try again later." We have been unable to find any information regarding the JavaScript SDK request limit. It would be helpful to know what the limit is for concurrent calls and if there is a way to increase it to meet our performance needs.

asked 4 months ago143 views
2 Answers

The AWS Organizations concurrent 'Actions' limit is 5. As soon as one finishes, you can start another, but only five can be in progress at a time.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

AWS does not explicitly publish a specific number for concurrent requests that AWS Organizations can handle. This is partly because the limits can vary based on the type of requests, the resources involved, and the overall demand on AWS services at any given time. The error message you're encountering suggests that you are hitting a throttling limit imposed to prevent excessive load on the service.

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answered 4 months ago

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