S3 Lifecycle policy


Hi AWS, I need to create a S3 lifecycle policy to move redshift audit logs after 30 days period from S3 bucket to Glacier and expire the objects in Glacier after 3 years of time period. I have created the rule and it's been more than 30 days but there is no data inside the Glacier. Do I need to activate Glacier as well in order to see data or am I missing something which I am not aware of.

Please help

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asked 8 months ago226 views
2 Answers


As stated in this document, it may take some time for the changes to take effect.

When the storage class becomes Glacier, it should be displayed in the "Storage Class" box in the red frame in the image.

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answered 8 months ago

If you are using lifecycle policy for object transition, you cannot view the archived objects through the Glacier Console or Glacier API. You can check the storage class for those objects in S3 Console. If the storage class are in the archival tiers, then the transition should be successful.

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answered 8 months ago
  • Can you please elaborate it more @HS?

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