Since Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC' is "in preview" how long until it is beyond "in preview"?


I have Accepted the Answer to my 08/24/23 question: "Can Amazon Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC' store live stream video?" Much thanks for your informative reply.

How long does "in preview" last until it is no longer "in preview", typically?

Is "in preview", is "in preview" essentially 'beta testing'?

Is 'Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC' is fairly new?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Chris. KVS WebRTC has been around for some years: The KVS WebRTC ingestion feature is quite new and is what is in preview:

We can't share in this forum when this feature might come out of preview and become GA.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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