Troubleshooting URL Access Issue on Elastic Beanstalk in Beijing Region


Hello, I'm having trouble accessing the url after deploying a sample application on Elastic Beanstalk. I'm deploying on cn-north-1 (Beijing) and already have past experience with this. What I've already tried:

  1. Made sure the security group allows inbound connections from the 80 port:

  2. Made sure I can ssh into the EC2 instance, and performed 'curl -v', and it responded successfully with the sample application contents:

  3. Tried restarting and creating from scratch both the EC2 instance and the EBS app.

  4. Created everything from scratch, side by side with my us-east console version, applying the same configuration. I could connect to the us-east url.

  5. Tried all of the above while connected to a computer located in China.

I'm not using load balancers or Route 53, I'm launching a single-instance.

Also, the health status is ok and logs don't show any problems.

I appreciate any insight on this.

asked 2 months ago234 views
1 Answer


Does accessing EC2's public IP address directly fail?
If access via IP address is successful, the domain name resolution may not be working properly.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Hi, Yes, accessing the public IP directly address also fails.

  • Is communication allowed in the network ACL of the subnet where EC2 is running? Also, is a route to the Internet gateway set in the subnet route table?

  • I'm using the default VPC, and the Network ACL is associated with 3 subnets, also has inbound and outbound rules that allow all traffic. The subnets are associated to a route table, which targets an internet gateway. I compared all of the configuration under VPCs with my working us-east instance, an nothing seems out of normal.

  • Thank you for your help. I found out that ports 80 and 443 are by default blocked in China. To use them, you need an icp license and talk to aws support to unblock them.

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