S3 Amazon Bucket Unexpected Charges


Hi, I have charges for the month of December, for an s3 bucket, where I was exploring the service during my studies as a student at university. I thought I had signed up for the free tier, but all of a sudden today I received a $340 charge on my credit card for December. I didn't actively use this bucket after December 15th but the charge is insane. I don't understand these charges, as my upload file was just Kaggle CSV with default setting. Is there anything AWS can do to reduce my charge or credit me back? I do not know if I am currently being charged since the dashboard does not show any metrics or active services. How do I ensure I won't be charged anymore, am I supposed to just cancel my account?

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  • The charges you highlighted are related to "Data Transfer", which is when data is transferred out of AWS to the Internet. The $80 charge is for 4TB of data transferred from Ohio to Oregon -- this might have been caused by extracting or accessing data that was stored in Oregon and copying it to, or processing the data in, the Oregon region. The $260 charge is for transferred 2.8TB of data to the Internet. This might have been done as part of your processing of data outside of AWS. Or, it might be that you have not sufficiently secured your bucket and somebody else has been using it.

asked 5 months ago292 views
3 Answers


I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties you've encountered.

I have this article on unexpected charges that may help:


Additionally, here's more about our Free Tier:


If you find that you need more help, please feel free to open a Billing Case with our Support Center, as they will have the tools to assist further:


— Katt R.

answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago

get in touch with AWS support I am sure they will help you to credit the amount back to your account

profile picture
answered 5 months ago

The $0.090 per GB charge is the traffic out to the Internet - looking at the usage numbers, it's as if you (or someone) downloaded 3TB of data from your S3 bucket, and the person that was accessing / downloading that data was outside AWS network. Note that any traffic INto S3 is free (i.e. if you would upload anything into S3 - you wouldn't pay for data transfer, but data transfer OUT is charged - https://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/ - see data transfer tab)

And the $0.02 per GB charge is the data transferred between two AWS regions (in your case Oregon and Ohio), and from the usage it seems like it was 4TB of traffic. It can happen for example if you're copying data from an S3 bucket in one region to S3 bucket in another region (note that the copying might happen even if it's between two different AWS accounts). If none of this was done by you - it's definitely worth reviewing your security settings and whether you're not allowing anyone on the internet to access data in your bucket.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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