Athena connection with jdbc


Hi I'm stuck creating an athena connection in dataiku. In dataiku I use existing connection of s3 configured with role, this s3 connection is working. I've added required athena iam permissions too. The athena connection will credential form role of s3. When I test the athena connection I got this error

I use the athenaJDBC42-

Unable to connect, caused by: SQLException: [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100191) Failed to create AWS Credentials Provider class:, caused by: GeneralException: [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100191) Failed to create AWS Credentials Provider class:, caused by: ClassCastException: class

More info about this error

1 Answer


Please look at this solution it will be helpful for you.

To simplify resolving the issue with creating an Athena connection in Dataiku, first ensure you're using the latest version of the Athena JDBC driver. Next check the IAM permissions associated with your S3 connection to guarantee they include the necessary permissions for Athena access. Review your Dataiku configuration, paying close attention to any settings related to IAM roles and permissions, ensuring they're correctly configured. Since the error points to a problem with the credentials provider class, try specifying a different, compatible provider class such as "DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain". If the issue persists,

could you please find the link below if you get more information.

answered a month ago

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