Need help calculating savings plan commitment/hr


Need help calculating savings plan commitment/hr if I run instance only for 10hrs a day.

I'm running 3 c5.2xlarge instances, for 10hrs a day, for 6 days a week. How do I decide on the commitment/hr amount as the other help pages give info considering 24hr/s day.

profile pictureAWS
asked 4 months ago182 views
2 Answers


You can find all the information in the AWS calculator in the Show calculations section. Example here

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answered 4 months ago

When you check in Cost Explorer->Savings Plan->Recommendations, you need to check two things, under "Recommendation details" section which clearly mentions the calculations and it's done based on 24hrs/day only & other one is View details of each recommended line item. For C5.2xlarge, savings plans rate $0.246 vs $0.34 On Demand rate in Ohio Region (it varies in each regions). Since you are considering to use specific hours each day and weekends, would not make much difference on the commitment, however it's calculated to the hours that you are using only even though the rates are based on 24hrs. Please review the below link which gives you specific pricing for Savings Plans only. Savings Plan Compute Pricing

answered 4 months ago

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