I have created an account and created a bucket but I can't find it.


I am just trying to get started.
I created an account, created a bucket, but it does not appear in my console.
The help indicates I need to change the region, but it does not allow me to change a region manually. the help indicates that I have to do programming to make this change. When I do search for bucket with name it shows 'no matches.' When I try to create a bucket with the same name it says it can't do it because the bucket already exists.

asked 5 months ago260 views
1 Answer

There’s no region concept in s3 console. No matter which region they are, the s3 console always show all buckets in your account. You can try to use cloudshell or command line to list your bucket in your account, like aws s3 list-buckets.

AWS bucket names are globally unique, so when an error message appears that the bucket already exists, it means that the name might be used by another account. It is recommended that you check whether the account you used to create the bucket is the same as your current account.

You can also go to CloudTrail to find the api record of the bucket you created in the past (region selects the region to which the bucket belongs). If you have other questions on the specific resource, I suggest you open a ticket and ask the support team.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Worth adding that the S3 section of AWS Console is at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/

    Any buckets you have created will be listed here.

    Note at the very top-right the menu headed Global, you can't change this to a specific region

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