Create domain association failed One or more domains requested are already associated with another Amplify app:,


Hi, I have successfully deployed a react app on amplify. When I add a custom domain i get this error. Create domain association failed One or more domains requested are already associated with another Amplify app:, But i haven't used this domain on amplify. May be the previous domain owner have linked this to an amplify app. I request aws to unlink the domain because i am the domain owner and i want to link it to my app.

1 Answer

Please be advised that errors of this nature occur when the domain in question is already linked to another Amplify application within the same or a different AWS account. It is important to recognise that if you have an Amplify application in another account that is associated with the same domain name, it is necessary to either disassociate the domain from the application[1] or delete the previous application through the Amplify console before it can be associated with a new application.

If you are unable to find the associated application, I recommend reaching out to AWS Support for further guidance.


profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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