The registration of a New Domain Name failed


My New Domain Name "" failed with the following error:

[2400 : Command failed (541 Invalid attribute value; AUTH special chars required)] What does this mean?

How do I recover from this error? Do I need to pay again? (with probably the same result)

asked 10 months ago367 views
2 Answers

Have you just newly purchased through Route 53?

Doing a WHOIS lookup on the domain shows it was registered on the 21st of June last year using a different registrar.

DIG shows that the name servers are not AWS, meaning it hasn't been delegated to Route 53. redirects to another company's website.

When you go to does it show that you own the domain?

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • name server not pointing to AWS route53. its through cpanel . does panel created on EC2 ? if it is that so. so please go to ec2 and in network interfaces copy public ip and maintain it on route53..because it have wrong parameter has passed it on that why error 541 invalid attribute.


(new reply as I can't put images into a comment)

I went through the motions of trying to register and I got this:

Enter image description here

The pale blue box means the .au domain authority didn't respond telling Route 53 that the domain is taken, so Route 53 is going to proceed on the basis that it's free and you're able to register it yourself (or I can do it for myself).

But instead of proceeding, I clicked the "search" button again and this time I got:

Enter image description here

This is what should have happened first time around.

As far as your registration is concerned, Route 53 is soon going to discover that is already taken and that your transaction can't proceed, and any payment that has been taken (assuming anything was even taken to begin with) will be refunded.

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answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

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