Not able to generate the version of GDG file while executing any transaction


I was able to generate the GDG version in working-directory When i triggered TRANBKP 1st time; Then triggered POSTRAN & INTCALC which are went well; When triggered the scriot TRANBKP again ended up below error message, when it tried to create GDG version

2024-05-02_15-49-48-447 | [PROC] REPROC - Started 2024-05-02_15-49-48-452 | [STEP] PRC001 - Started 2024-05-02 13:49:48.452 INFO 6688 --- [ Thread-23] c.n.b.g.i.s.FileConfigurationUtils : PRC001.FILEIN : BluesamFileConfiguration [bluesamId=, dataset=AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.VSAM.KSDS, cacheCompression=false, warmUp=true, isAnsiCarriageControl=false, disposition=SHR, normal termination=KEEP, abnormal termination=KEEP] 2024-05-02 13:49:48.452 INFO 6688 --- [ Thread-23] c.n.b.g.i.s.FileConfigurationUtils : PRC001.FILEOUT : GDGSupportConfiguration [relativeGeneration=1, name=AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.BKUP, ownerPath=., cacheCompression=false, warmUp=true, storageProvider=filesystem, recordSize=350,, rdw=false, bdw=false, isFixed=false, isLF=false, isCRLF=false, order=LIFO] 2024-05-02 13:49:48.452 INFO 6688 --- [ Thread-23] c.n.b.g.rt.db.stats.DatabaseStatistics : DATABASE STATISTIC DISABLED 2024-05-02_15-49-48-459 | Program return code is 0

Please let me know how this could be fixed

  • Hi, I don't see any error on this log. The message "c.n.b.g.rt.db.stats.DatabaseStatistics : DATABASE STATISTIC DISABLED" is just an information you can ignore it

asked a month ago50 views
2 Answers

Hello Ismail,

Were you able to find the reason behind why it happened? And how did you resolve this?

I faced the exact same issue now. The file "AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.BKUP.G0078V00" is not created for me. When I checked the record count of "AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.VSAM.KSDS", then it is still 262 whereas it should have got cleared.

The messages in my console also match with yours.

Another observation is that the messages in the console in 2nd run is different from 1st run of TRANBKP.

All I can conclude is that the job didn't execute correctly.

I will do some analysis to see if rerunning the job will cause any problem or not, and then rerun the TRANBKP. In the meantime I will wait for your response to just be sure I am not going to corrupt the flow by rerunning the job.

answered 16 days ago
  • This is an update to my previous comment.

    I executed the job TRANBKP again without making any fixes or changes, and this time the job created the desired GDG output and cleared the VSAM data.

    So, I am still not sure what caused the job not to produce the GDG output or clear VSAM file in the earlier run. Hopefully someone will find that out and post here some day.


It been quite sometime since i faced above issue and after that got many more issues, not sure what i have done exactly to fix it. Below is just my guess.

Second time, Backup transaction will Del/Def the AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.VSAM.KSDS. Groovy script should have updated by removing CYL, VOL, SHROPTION & ERASE; But i missed that part, which would have created the above issue

answered 14 days ago
  • Thanks for responding. I just executed the job TRANBKP without making any change and it went fine. But now I am stuck with a similar issue in the very next job.

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