JWT Authentication - 401 authorization error for Opensearch


I am working on integrating an ALB (Application Load Balancer) as an ingress controller, Cognito as a user pool, and deploying OpenSearch using a Helm chart on AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). Unfortunately, I have encountered persistent "401 Authorization" errors despite our efforts to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

To provide some context, I have followed the necessary steps to configure the integration as follows:

  • Deployed the ALB Ingress Controller: I have successfully set up the ALB as an ingress controller to route traffic to our deployed opensearch-dashboard pod on EKS cluster.
  • Configured Cognito User Pool: I have created a Cognito user pool to handle user authentication and authorization.
  • Deployed OpenSearch & OpenSearch-Dashboard using Helm Chart: I used the appropriate Helm chart to deploy OpenSearch and Opensearch- Dashboard on our EKS cluster. During the deployment process, I ensured that the required key has been added to the Helm chart values.yaml configuration file.

Despite completing these steps, I am consistently receiving a "401 Authorization" error when attempting to access OpenSearch endpoints. I have been unable to identify the root cause of the issue.

asked a year ago119 views
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