Ports required to be opened for AWS DRS


Hello Team, I am not really clear on for which IP Addresses the Port 443 and 1500 needs to be opened for AWS DRS Service. How should I put these information in security group without IP address ? I am unable to understand the document:- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/drs/latest/userguide/Network-Requirements.html I appreciate your inputs. Thank you.

  • Depending on your design case scenario. Knowing fully well you have to open TCP port 443. Suppose I may answer your question correctly. The answer would be opening IP - permitting connection originating from ANY IP source. This saves you from specifying a particular IP address source to be allowed. However, this method poses a high-security vulnerability. So, it is best advised you specify a public IP address. Check the public ip used by the source device in accessing the resources on AWS. For a GUI device https://ipchicken.com/ and copy the ip address if it is a Linux Server do this " curl icanhazip.com " This will display the public IP addresses used by your device to access the internet. copy that and permit in the firewall rule i.e.

1 Answer

Port 443 for staging area subnet and AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery The replication servers in the staging area subnet must continuously communicate with Elastic Disaster Recovery over TCP port 443. The main operations that are performed through this route are:

-Downloading the replication software by the replication servers. -Connecting the replication servers to AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, and displaying their replication status. -Monitoring the replication servers for internal troubleshooting use and resource consumption metrics (such as CPU, RAM). -Reporting replication-related events.

Port 1500 for installed AWS Replication Agent and AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery replication servers in the staging area. TCP port 1500 is needed for the transfer of replicated data from the source servers to the staging area subnet.

answered a year ago

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