How can a root-AWS account be decoupled from an retail account?


An AWS root account and an retail account have the same email address, and are linked (as was possible through 2017) . Now, that AWS account must have its root-account email address changed (as documented here) to a corporate address. However, this would impact the email-address.

How can these be separated from each other? This Reddit thread mentions this and links to an AWS Forums thread (deleted along with AWS Forums) which is said to have a long discussion and no resolution.

  • What do you mean by "this would impact the email-address"? You should be able to log in to the AWS account as the root user, follow the documentation you linked to change the root email address, and then continue to use the prior address for retail while using the new address for AWS. What's the problem?

asked a year ago568 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Please note that AWS Accounts that were created before August 10, 2017, are usually coupled with an account, meaning that they share the same "root" account email and login credentials.

As of now, we do not have an option to separate AWS Accounts from their account, but we know that this has been an inconvenience for our customers, so we're working to have coupled accounts separated. As this project is still on the works, we cannot share more details or a specific date for the rollout until we're closer to it being completed. We appreciate your understanding on this.

On deep diving further with the service team, they have confirmed that currently we can only decouple an account if a customer is willing to lose their account. In such a case scenario, a customer can open up a support ticket with our Accounts and Billing team to submit a request for the same. However, if customer needs to retain both AWS and Retail accounts, then the solution is being worked on at the given time as mentioned before.

As a workaround, we recommend creating a new a AWS account and migrate all of the resources to the new account.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Is this migration effort still the only workaround that will preserve the Amazon retail account? In my case, the AWS account was created in late 2021 but it too appears as linked (same email address, password), How does one confirm their late-2021 account is actually linked to a retain account? Thanks.

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