SSH command timed out in MWAA v2.5.1


After upgrading my airflow environment from v2.0.2 to v2.5.1, I started running into the issue of 'SSH command timed out' which I never experienced while using v2.0.2. In my environment I have multiple dags with each dag having different tasks with different task durations.

I tried setting cmd_timeout to 8000 but it times out because one of my task runs for a long time. It's difficult to set a value for the parameter cmd_timeout.

My question- Is there a way to set cmd_timeout to None at the global level? I tried setting it at the dag level but it fails.

asked 9 months ago416 views
2 Answers

Hi, look at answer #2 of It seems to be what you need to solve your problem all at once. Best, Didier

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  • Thanks. With this method, I will need to completely redesign the dags in my environment. Are there other alternatives to setting this parameter at a global level?


I was able to fix this issue by setting cmd_timeout:null

answered 9 months ago

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