SSO Federated user who is assuming a role and isolating user jobs in Glue Studio visual etl


I have a use case where my company users Federate into the console and assume a role that allows access to the appropriate services. One of the services I would like to use is AWS Glue Studio visual ETL. I can't seem to find a way to prevent them from seeing the navigation menu. Is there a way to do that?

Plus, there was a feature gap where Glue Studio was not able to use secrets manager credentials when you wanted to see inferred schema. Is that feature gap still present?

1 Answer

If my understanding of your query is correct, you would like to limit the AWS Management Console on sign in from your federated users to view only the services they have permissions to access. Currently, the configuration of the AWS Management Console [1] only allows you to use the Unified Settings page to set defaults that apply to all service consoles. It also explains widgets, a new feature of AWS Console Home that lets you add custom components that track information about your AWS services and resources.

A possible work around would be to use Favorites [2], which would allow you to add services to your favorites menu allow access your frequently used services more quickly, by saving their service consoles to a list of Favorites.

Last, while I am unable to comment on if/when this feature may get released, I request you to keep an eye on our What's New and Blog pages for any new feature announcements.

If further assistance is required or I have misunderstood your ask, may I recommend opening an Internal Ticket with AWS Support for further assistance.




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answered 10 months ago
  • Sort of; I am looking to provide a direct link into the console where say AWS Glue Studio is. Within that window I want to not show the left-hand navigation bar. I want them to only be able to see the glue studio visual etl editor and it's component parts, but not be able to navigate away from there using the Navigation menu.

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