Stream Manager component deployment issue in Greengrass


Hi Team,

I know my question may be simple for the experts but with beginner skills i am requesting your support and /or guidance on the below query. To establish a data flow connection from client devices to Sitewise, i created a Ec2 instance on Linux and successfully installed the Greengrass and deployed with standard components. But Present problem was I am unable to deploy the components of Stream manager , IoT SiteWise processor and IoT SiteWise publisher.

Please guide me on the correct procedure or examples and required policies / roles for successful deployment.

Thanks for your sincere response.

asked 5 months ago313 views
1 Answer

Hi. Generally it's easiest and best to create an AWS IoT SiteWise gateway from the SiteWise service console, rather than deploy the components by hand from the AWS IoT Core console. In creating a SiteWise gateway, you have two major options: 1) Get SiteWise to generate a script that will install and provision a Greengrass core device, as well as all the necessary components, or 2) Get SiteWise to deploy the necessary components to an existing Greengrass core device. The following image shows 1). You can selected Advanced setup for 2). In either case, the SiteWise wizard will guide you through the settings for the publisher, processor, collector and so forth.

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thank you Mr. Greg for your response.

    But unfortunately, still I am in the error state only.

    please find the issues or confusions with above 2 ways.

    1. in Default setup --> Successfully created the gateway with installer file ( in step5) and green grass deployment with sitewise components. [ Problem: Greengrass core device not available except deployment. if i added the core device with same name, installed the GreenGrass software and new components are added then deployment was failed]
    2. in Advance setup --> Gateway generated without installer file (in step5) and green grass deployment was failed with sitewise components. [ Problem : sitewise installer file was not generated , to continue the further steps ]

    so, requested your further support on clear steps or examples for this scenario. I believe that i am missing sequence or permissions during deployment of Greengrass core device & sitewise gateway..

    Background: FYI, I am testing the below example on Greengrass V2 to monitor data from Kepware OPC

    Thanks for your sincere response.

  • What specific Greengrass deployment failure are you seeing? Under Greengrass/Core Devices/Deployments, what is the failure reason?

  • Hi Junfuc & Greg..

    As per the Greg inputs, I created & deployed the gateway from sitewise console.

    But presently i am facing issue with opc ua latest data not available in Asset Measurement area and the error showing as: {"message":"Failed to start OPC-UA Connection for Source (EC2Kepware-Public): Failed to discover endpoint for OPC-UA server opc.tcp://<hostip>:49320.

    I am suspecting with the Client Trust certificate in OPCUA server (Kepware). To complete this step by exporting the certificate, i didn't found any certificate in Sitewise/Greengrass core device system.

    Please guide me the possible solution for above error and also let me know my observation was correct or not.

    Thanks for your response in advance.

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