Amazon Aurora MySQL Cluster Stuck in 'Upgrading' Mode


My database has been stuck in upgrading status for the past 2 days. In the meantime the database for the most part of both days has been out of action and we cannot connect to it as company. Employees are losing valuable work time. There doesn't seem to be any way to reboot the database or stop and start it when stuck in this status which is completely ridiculous. We've lost so much time, (this isn't the first time something like this has happened) we are seriously considering looking at other options.

Is there anything else we can do? What do we have to do, just wait around for it to come back online?

  • 12 hours and still no response. We are coming into 3 days now with the database stuck in upgrading mode. Can someone please respond?

  • Database stuck in upgrading mode since Wednesday. Still no response. Can somebody please help no?

1 Answer


I would suggest to reach out to AWS Support by creating a support case and support team will help you with your issue.

answered 3 months ago

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