Unable to spin Kubecost pods on Amazon EKS cluster


I was trying to deploy Kubecost on EKS cluster, I followed two ways 1.Deploy Kubecost on an Amazon EKS cluster using Amazon EKS add-on
2. Deploy Kubecost on an Amazon EKS cluster via Helm For both the process I am finding the following error where pods are not running

Pods are not running

For reference: https://docs.kubecost.com/install-and-configure/install/provider-installations/aws-eks-cost-monitoring

asked 7 months ago339 views
1 Answer

See the error message at the top. Do you have the EBS CSI driver installed and configured correctly?

answered 7 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 7 months ago
  • Agreed: it seems to be an issue with EBS CSI driver. Guidance to install / manage it at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/ebs-csi.html

  • I have tried to install the EBS CSI driver, which had failed to create with the health issue type "InsufficientNumberOfReplicas".

    The following is the status is observed on pods:

    NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ebs-csi-controller-65985df6c4-97vmb 0/6 ContainerCreating 0 10h ebs-csi-controller-65985df6c4-n2jq8 0/6 ContainerCreating 0 10h ebs-csi-node-cr9nd 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 10h ebs-csi-node-dgnw9 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 10h

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