AWS IoT Secure tunneling: Console window


Hello! The console window for the SSH connection to one of our Greengrass v2 core devices only shows a black screen with a blinking cursor. Why does this happen? I have tried a couple of times to delete the tunnel and then open it again in the console. tunnel id 9bc1aa5b-96d9-4751-b2c7-6779930dc07b

aws iot secure tunnel ssh window

  • Hi, engineer from Secure Tunneling team here. I see you have provided a tunnel id. Can you also provide the following information (it will help us log dive on this tunnel id to determine if there was any issue with this tunnel on the cloud side):

    • AWS region in which you are trying to use Secure Tunneling (e.g., us-west-2)
    • Approximate timestamps of tunnel creation and connection attempts
    • Are you also not able to SSH via local computer terminal (by setting up local proxy on your local computer), or is this issue just happening when trying to SSH via browser console window?
Axel D
asked 5 months ago141 views
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