No DRM integration in file groups of the output groups in AWS Elemental MediaConvert



I'm new to the concept of DRM, but we want to implements that system to protect the data of audios.

We use AWS Elemental Mediaconvert to transcode the audio but we use the file groups in the output and it does not have an option to integrate a DRM , how to implement that if it does not have ?

And how we use this and test it ? for example if we do not want to use a DRM provider but our static encryption.

asked 2 months ago95 views
2 Answers

File group would only output audio/video in media containers such as .mp4, .mov, etc. or raw in the case of audio (aac, wav, etc.). To provide DRM, one of the other output group types must be used such as HLS, DASH, or CMAF.
The reason for this is that a manifest file is generated along with the media which provides instructions for interacting with the DRM solution used, whether static key or SPEKE (

Here is a description of Apple's Fairplay DRM and how it interacts with HLS:

And the spec for DRM with DASH:

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • So, we can not integrate a DRM if we use file groups ?

    we use file groups for ajust bitrates and simple rates to different format like .mp3 and .aac

    So what's the best solution to that?


Correct. See documentation here: You could have MediaConvert output HLS audio-only and add the DRM info there if you'd like.

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Is aws planning to add a DRM integration option for file groups?

    Or what do you suggest to integrate DRM on .mp3 and .aac audio because we don't want to create hls or dash audios ?

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