Issues Deleting VPC


I am having issues deleting my VPC: "Unable to delete This VPC cannot be deleted until you complete the following actions. Name – VPC ID vpc-________ State Available The VPC contains one or more in-use network interfaces "

Then this issue once trying to detach network interface: "Failed to detach the network interface. API error: "You do not have permission to access the specified resource.""

Changed permissions to allow everything, and received the same error.

Any ideas?

asked a month ago75 views
2 Answers

You have resource dependencies that is using VPC. Check out this article to find out dependencies that blocking you from deleting your VPC.

answered a month ago

It's likely you don't have permission to delete the network interface because it belongs to an AWS service you provisioned. If so, select the ENI Details tab, review the Description to find which resource the elastic network interface is attached to, and delete the attached service.

answered a month ago

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