SES Error "...Maximum sending rate exceeded..."


I have set up SES and DKIM and I sent a few emails via a PHP script to myself. The last time I ran the script I got the following error:

Email not sent. SMTP Error: data not accepted.SMTP server error: DATA END command failed Detail: Throttling failure: Maximum sending rate exceeded. SMTP code: 454

I have only been sending emails to myself and I need to be able to do this quite a lot in order to develop my website.

Edit: I went to Amazon SES > Account dashboard and under 'Daily email usage' I can see have sent 21,428 emails. I am worried about this as I have only knowingly sent about 5 emails. Either an error has occurred (possibly me programming) or perhaps someone has accessed my account. I would really appreciate some help sorting this out as it is a bit worrying.

asked 2 years ago420 views
1 Answer

I have just received a warning from GitHub saying:

GitGuardian has detected the following SMTP credentials exposed within your GitHub account.

So, I suspect those credentials were detected and used to send emails from my account. I therefore deleted all my SES verified identities from Amazon SES. I will make sure not to make that mistake again.

answered 2 years ago

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