Why am I not able to create alerts and set alert thresholds?


I am a QuickSight Admin but I am not able to create alerts and set alert thresholds. When I click on a visualization in my dashboard, I don't see the icon to create an alert. I also don't see the "Manage Alerts" tab at the top. I have the Enterprise subscription. Not sure why I am having this problem. I am following this documentation. Any help would be appreciated!

asked 2 years ago744 views
1 Answer


Thank You for contacting AWS premium support, my name is Dylan and I will be happy to help today.

I can see that there seems to be no icon to add to add an alert alert from your dashboard.

From the document you shared, be sure you are not checking any of the below boxes for your situation.

"You can’t create alerts for visuals in an embedded dashboard or from the QuickSight mobile app. Also, KPI visuals that don’t use a date-time field as a trend don't support alerts."

Also it is important to ensure you have author/co-owner access to the dashboard as well as the underlying data set.

If your issue persists, I would invite you to open a support case, so that we may dive deep into the details.

Thank You.

answered 2 years ago

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