Amazon Workspaces VM and opening ports


I'm having an incredibly hard time finding any resources that functionally help me. I'm trying to set up a Plex Media Server in a Workspaces VM running on Windows 10. I can install the software, but the remote access requires port 32400 to be open on TCP for it to be accessible from other devices like my phone or smart TV. I cannot find where to add this information.

I've poked around the VPC but everything in the documentation seems to want to refer to APIs and EC2 instances, and nothing seems to be relevant for a relatively simple ask.

Is it possible for a Workspaces VM to have port forwarding/opening for this application to work properly?

Let me know, thanks!

asked 2 months ago408 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Does the Workspaces VM have an Elastic IP? Please refer to this article. It's for RDP access but should be similar if you allow TCP 32400 on the security group.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you SO MUCH. Days of searching and pulling my hair out, and your article was perfect for what I needed. It's all working properly now :D

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