CloudWatch get resourceType metric data


I want to get metric data to CloudWatch dashboard.

( I using get_metric_data() method )

but, explorer type can't get metric data

example, I can obtain metric data in the following format:

"metrics": [
    ["AWS/EC2", "CPUUtilization", "InstanceId", "i-0b...", { "period": 300, "stat": "Average" }]

but I can't get metric data of:

"metrics": [
      "metricName": "CPUUtilization",
      "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "stat": "Average"

How do I get resourceType metric data?

asked 6 months ago178 views
1 Answer


There is no option to specify resourceType in get_metric_data().

Do you know the namespace where "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance" is saved?
If you know the namespace, there is a possibility that you can get it using get_metric_data().

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answered 6 months ago

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