AWS Elemental MediaLive – HEVC/H265 Input not working



I am trying to send an HEVC encoded SRT stream from OBS via AWS Elemental MediaConnect to AWS Elemental MediaLive. The pipeline works fine with an H264 encoded SRT stream but when I change the codec to HEVC, Elemental MediaLive doesn't process the stream. I changed the input secifications for the channel to HEVC. Why is it not working? How can I fix it?

  • Update: It suddenly worked two times but then it stopped working again. And now the same behaviour also shows up with H264 imputs. Looks like the actual problem is not the H265 ingest. It seems there is something wrong with the pipeline but I can't figure out what. I created the channel several times. I also tried the workflow and some templates. Any ideas how to narrow down that problem? How can I see and analyse some logs?

  • The logs show following failure message with H265 and H264: "Failed to set follow modes: Invalid input video frame rate: 0/1"

asked a year ago498 views
3 Answers

Have you tried stopping the MediaLive channel, performing the change from H.264 to H.265 source, then starting the MediaLive Channel. Keeping the ML channel running when a change to the source coded occurs may cause decode pipeline issues. Also, check the MediaConnect output status and MediaLive Input stream status to determine that a signal is being delivered to MediaLive.

answered a year ago
  • Hi MIke. Thank you for your answer. As far as I know you can't change anything on the channel without stopping it. So yes I stopped and started the channel several times. MediaConnect shows the right source bitrate of 5Mbit/s. But the MediaLive Input shows 16 Mbit/s with the H.265 codec and 0.16 Mbit/s for the output. There is a Video Not Detected alert right at the beginning. But this alert also shows up at the beginning of the working H.264 stream.


One last thing and very important. Define everything. Avoid "same as source". Also avoid anything variable in your encoder. Constant frame rate, constant data rate.

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you so much Bruce. Yes I think that's the problem. I have only Apple devices and they offer only ABR as an option for the bitrate on their HEVC codec. Just made a test with Larix Broadcaster from an iPhone. Same result.


This is an interesting problem and I would like to help. I have done the same workflow using something other that OBS. I think it is an excellent to use HEVC SRT to MC to ML and exploit the benefit of HEVC for the first mile.

Your experience/understanding or not it should be SOP for ML to be stopped and restarted for any significant input change.

Believe it or not I have sent HEVC to ML with the input selected AVC and it still worked. Odd I know. Either way good you have done both.

My experience with many encoders is that once you change to HEVC lots of other things change too. ML has limits on what Frame Rate it can accept as an example. I'd check in OBS once you switch to HEVC if all the other setting you were using with AVC are close to the same.

My guess is this is more OBS than Medialive. You have those bases covered. I'm not a fan of Open Source encoders. DM me if you would like me to connect to your MC SRT input with a Hardware HEVC encoder. That way at least you will know where to look.

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answered a year ago

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