GameLift Support for Agones and Elastic Kubernetes Service


Hi GameLift devs!

The GameLift FleetIQ connector for running game servers on Agones and EKS was made available as an open source project on Github. Agones is a lifecycle management framework for running containerized game servers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). With this update, developers get:

• Access to three install guides to deploy the solution in a flexible manner based on their infrastructure requirements. • Ability to utilize Spot Instances as EKS Worker Nodes with FleetIQ’s interruption prediction algorithm to monitor worker node status. • A Redis based pub/sub service to monitor instance viability status.

To Learn More:

Thanks, Toufeeq

asked 3 years ago251 views
1 Answer

Awesome. Just realized that it's been already listed on

answered 3 years ago

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